Friday, July 24, 2009

July - Part II

Lots has happened in the second half of July. Here are pictures of Tzvi at 11 and 12 weeks old. Today we got his room all in order - the crib finally got here. Prior to the crib you can see him growing out of the bassinet and sleeping in the Pak & Play.


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Poll: How do you prefer to see Tzvi?

For those of you following Tzvi's development, how would you rather keep up with him - via Picasa webalbums (like I've been using til now) or through Facebook albums (see Lamaze post). It seems to me that it's easier to upload the pictures to Facebook and people who don't follow the blog can see them there as well. Picasa has the advantage of easier downloads and cool slideshows to embed in the blog. I'd love to hear your opinions.

Lamaze Class Reunion

In our Lamaze class of 5 couples, we all had boys! Last night we had a reunion. The boys ages range from 8 weeks to 13 weeks. Tzvi was second in the group. Here's a link to a Facebook album.

Monday, July 13, 2009

More Pictures

Here's Tzvi from the beginning of July. (9 & 10 weeks old)